Laura Cancedda

Basic researchers talk and listen to healthcare professionals: thinking wider together

Basic researchers talk and listen to healthcare professionals: thinking wider together

In this talk, I will present recent data from my basic research lab on the development of new animal models for brain disorders, based on chats with medical doctors, psychologists, and nurses.


Laura Cancedda graduated in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies at the University of Genoa in 1999. She received her PhD in neurophysiology at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) in 2003. After her doctorate, she moved to California, University of Berkeley. In 2007, she returned to Italy at Italian Institute of Technology, where she now coordinates the Brain Development and Disease Lab. She is also a former researcher of the Telethon Dulbecco Institute s(2016-2022), and alumna of the FENS-KAVLI network of excellence alumni. In 2016, she received a Consolidator grant from the European Research Council (ERC). In 2022, she funded IAMA therapeutics based on her research findings.

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