Tobias Bald

Tobias Bald Invited speakers PORT for Health: 2024

NK cell plasticity in cancer


Tobias Bald, PhD, serves as Professor for Tumor Immunobiology at the Institute for Experimental Oncology at the University Hospital Bonn, Germany. He obtained his PhD with highest honors from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bonn in 2015, focusing on the role of inflammatory responses in melanoma progression and the significance of the type I IFN system in cancer immunotherapy efficacy. Following the receipt of an EMBO Long-term Fellowship, dr. Bald joined dr. Mark Smyth’s lab at the Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane, Australia, in 2016.

In 2018, he was granted an early career fellowship, enabling him to establish a junior group to investigate the impact of the Nectin-Network in the tumor microenvironment. In 2020, dr. Bald became a member of the DFG cluster of excellence ImmunoSensation and founded the Laboratory for Tumor Immunobiology ( at the University Hospital Bonn. His research focuses on understanding the regulation of tumor-infiltrating immune cells to develop innovative cancer therapies. 

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